Connecting to Trading Partners

In order to see if your trading partner is a member of the Riskonnect ESG Network, you can use the Account Search feature in Riskonnect ESG to perform a network-wide search. If you find the trading partner you are looking for, you can connect to that trading partner by creating a Trading Partner Relationship.

To search for a trading partner:

  1. Log in to the Riskonnect ESG application and go to either the Accounts or Trading Partners tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter in your search criteria, and then click Search.
    If the trading partner you are looking for is already a member of the Riskonnect ESG Network, you will see them displayed below your search.

To connect with a trading partner:

  1. In the search results section, click Connect.
    To view more details on the account, click anywhere in the grey results box.
  2. On the Define Your Trading Partner Relationship screen, enter in the following details:
    • Name Your Relationship - enter in the trading partner's name
    • Status - select your business relationship status with the trading partner
    • Type - select the type of trading partner
    • Internal IDs - you can add customer-specific identifiers for this trading partner
    • Comments - enter in a brief comment about the trading partner
  3. Click Relationship Tags, and then select or add new keywords that describe your trading partner
    Note: This is a very sensitive step in this process depending on what Trading Partner Groups you have defined and what  existing compliance requirements are set on those groups.
  4. Click Relationship Attributes, and then select or add new keywords that describe your trading partner
    Note: This is a very sensitive step in this process depending on what Trading Partner Groups you have defined and what existing compliance requirements are set on those groups.
  5. Click Save.
    You can also click Cancel to cancel your relationship connection with the trading partner.
  6. After you have saved your relationship, you will note that the Connect button now shows Connected.

You have successfully searched for and created a Trading Partner Relationship with a trading partner that exists as a member in the Riskonnect ESG Network.

If you don't find the trading partner you are looking for, chances are they are not a member of the Riskonnect ESG Network. Please visit Adding New Members to the Riskonnect ESG Network for more information.