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  1. Australia and New Zealand - ICIX Classic Sunsetting December 31, 2020 Notice

  2. Patch - v4.44 - October 3, 2022

    Release Date: October 3, 2022     General Fixes Forms - Fixes an issue where answer labels for default answer options on search and mutlisearch question types are not displaying.  Forms - Fixes and issue where the date and datetime va...
  3. Riskonnect ESG Terms for Responders

  4. Salesforce User Email Verification

    For Riskonnect ESG Network Users (ICIX) Why do I need to verify my email address? Salesforce will enforce user email verification starting in June 2023. Riskonnect can help you get ahead of Salesforce email verification by systematically send...
  5. January 2023 Maintenance Release - February 13, 2023

    Release Date:  February 13, 2023 What's new? PT - Testing Lab can be updated during 3-Actor PT Workflow Testing Labs, or verifiers, can now reject a 3-Actor Product Test request back to a trading partner if there is a need to have the prod...
  6. RK ESG 23.2 - June 26, 2023

    Release Date: June 26, 2023 Release Overview Your browser does not support HTML5 video. What's new? Form-to-Object Mapping Engine System admins can now relate form questions to other objects' fields and a backend process will c...
  7. v4.55 Patch - February 17, 2023

    Release Date: February 17, 2023 General Fixes Tasks - Fixes an issue where user is presented with the error message "Error approving request: List index out of bounds: 0" when approving a task. Issue resolved. ...
  8. v4.56 Patch - March 9, 2023

    Release Date: March 9, 2023 General Fixes Tasks - Fixes an issue where user is presented with the error message "Aggregate query has too many rows for direct assignment" when approving a task. Issue resolved. ...
  9. v4.57 Patch - April 3, 2023

    Release Date: April 3, 2023 General Fixes Forms - Fixes an issue where picklist values are not copied when cloning a form and where picklist options are not being created when migrating a form with picklist options. Issue resolved. ...
  10. RK ESG 23.2.1 - July 7, 2023

    Release Date: July 7, 2023 General Fixes Product Test - Fixes an issue where duplicate certificates are being generated for passing test results which results in increased file storage. ...